Training to boost your business

Derwent Training, in partnership with York & North Yorkshire LEP, is offering training for employers which is financially supported by the Government. This training is nationally called Bootcamps.

We are offering  to support skills and knowledge development in engineering and manufacturing. Learners must be aged 19 years and above. Employers pay either 10 or 30% of the cost depending on the size of their business. The Government pays the rest. So it is highly subsidised. Learners will not only receive the training but have access to information, advice and guidance as part of a wrap-around offer.


Metal Fabrication

This metal fabrication course develops skills in welding and fabrication of large and thick materials that commonly takes place in factory settings; welding a range of small and thin materials as well as developing greater control during the welding operation and produce strong, precise, and aesthetically pleasing welds, and learning how to undertake a portable welding technique. 

This course is suitable for those in industry with basic metal fabrication skills who wish to upskill their techniques as well as those new to welding, who wish to gain a basic role in industry as a start of a new career.  

Electrical PLCs

Mechatronics engineers use a combination of mechanical, electrical, computer and software skills to work with smart technologies. This bootcamp focuses on a single element of PLCs.

This course is suitable for those in industry with basic either basic or no knowledge of this area who wish to upskill their techniques.

Accelerated Pathway to Level 4

The programme will focus on lean techniques focusing on a systematic approach to minimizing waste in engineering processes. 

The course will allow a learner to evidence skills, knowledge and behaviours to aid high performance working (HPW), specifically approaches to work organisation. Learners may progress to the Higher Apprenticeship afterwards, where completion of this Bootcamp will reduce the cost of that Apprenticeship. 


BootcampCost for an SME businessCost for a non-SME businessLength of Bootcamp/mode of delivery
Metal FabricationEmployer pays Â£180 per person
Govt pays £1620 per person

Employer pays Â£540 per person
Govt pays £1260 per person
90 hours/one day a week for 15 weeks
Electrical PLCsEmployer pays Â£120 per person
Govt pays £1080 per person

Employer pays Â£360 per person
Govt pays £840 per person
60 hours/one day a week for 10 weeks
Accelerated pathway to Level 4
Employer pays Â£120 per person
Govt pays £1080 per person
Employer pays Â£360 per personGovt pays £840 per person60 hours/one day a week for 10 weeks


To register or get further information please email or call 01653 697698

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