Learner Support

At Derwent Training you’ll find sanitary products in our toilets for those experiencing period poverty

We are a wholly inclusive and supportive training provider. Our mantra is always to ensure our learners get the best possible experience from their time with us by taking a learner-first approach and working with integrity.

Our pledge to you

As a smaller training provider, we can bring the wraparound, family-feel level of support that so many of our learners welcome. We are here for you at all times, and we are committed to helping you succeed in the following ways:

We will treat you with respect and in a professional manner
You will benefit from high expectations, engagement, care, support, and motivation
Our staff will use their skills and expertise to plan and deliver the necessary teaching, learning and support to meet your own specific needs, and enable you to achieve your Apprenticeship
We will initially assess your starting point, monitor your progress, and set challenging tasks to develop knowledge, skills, and behaviours, including Maths, English and ICT where such support has been identified
You will have tripartite visits at regular intervals to provide support towards the achievement of your learning goals
Our staff will promote equality and diversity and discuss “well, equal & safe” practises throughout your programme
We will offer fair training opportunities
We will be flexible around your individual needs wherever we can
We will provide an open, transparent and ethical environment
We will support and represent you in your employer environment
Our Vision
“To deliver skills training to improve engineering and leadership in North Yorkshire”
Log into your apprentice portal

Your BUD account is an e-portfolio system, where you can submit your work, access materials, see assessor marks and track your progress.

Your learner handbook

Your learner handbook includes everything you need to get started and understand your apprenticeship, your responsibilities and what you will be expected to do during your time with us.

Your training team
Your training centre
Get in touch
Your responsibilities as an apprentice

Your Apprenticeship is a 3-way partnership between you, your employer and us as your training provider. As a Derwent Training apprentice you will be expected to:

Work towards targets agreed via your ILP to achieve your Apprenticeship objectives and keep your employer informed of your progress and any issues
Ensure all work you complete is on time and to the required standard
Monitor and manage off-the-job training requirement and ensure this is documented and reviewed on a regular basis
Adhere to Derwent Training’s Acceptable IT User Agreement
The ways we support you
Don’t suffer in silence
Equal Opportunities

Derwent Training is committed to ensuring equality opportunity for all who learn and work with us regardless of factors such a race, colour, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, marital status, class, gender, sexual orientation, age, physical, mental, sensory or learning difficulties.

Derwent Training operates an Equal Opportunities Policy. You can find the policy here. The success of our learners and the performance of our staff are very important to us and our aim is to ensure everybody has an equal opportunity to succeed. We respect and value positively all differences. We will strive vigorously to remove conditions which place people at a disadvantage and will actively combat bigotry and discrimination.

Additional Needs

When joining us, you will fill in a Personal and Social Development Self-Assessment that will highlight any areas where you could receive additional support and we will form an individualised plan for you.  Individual assessments for Maths/English or undiagnosed conditions can also be arranged.  We can also represent you with any issues at your workplace.  Should you feel that you have additional needs or require additional support, please advise your Trainer as soon as possible.

Safeguarding and Prevent

We strive to make your learning environment a place where you can feel safe from harm, bullying or abuse and we have a zero tolerance to abuse and other harmful behaviours, including being at risk from radicalisation.  

We ensure that we practise safe recruitment of staff, raise awareness of safeguarding issues, and implement procedures for identifying and reporting issues, as well as supporting any vulnerable learner suffering or likely to suffer any significant harm.  

Further details are available in our safeguarding policy which is available on the website. Any specific safeguarding concerns you have may be raised with Trainers or the Designated Safeguarding Officer. If you have a Prevent related concern, please contact a member of staff with this concern immediately.

If you have any Safeguarding or Prevent issues, please contact a member of the team below:

Click here  to access Derwent Training’s Safeguarding and Prevent Policy

Welfare and Wellbeing Checklist

Once your employer has confirmed that you will be starting an Apprenticeship with them, we will visit them to complete a Welfare and Well-being Checklist but it is important to be aware of any issues so that they can be addressed to ensure that you are not at risk. Derwent Training will conduct regular tripartite reviews with your Assessor, employer and yourself where you can raise any issues. If you, or your employer feels it is too important to wait, then the concern should be reported immediately by contacting the Safeguarding Officer, Gary Simm on gary.simm@derwenttraining.co.uk, or on 01653 697698.

Radicalisation and Extremism

Radicalisation is the process where individuals come to support terrorism or violent extremism in any form. We recognise the positive contribution we can make to protecting everyone from all types of radicalisation and extreme violence.

Learners will explore what it means to live and work in Britain. For example, this will include examining how democracy works and the part you play in that, discussing how tolerance and respects for those with faith and those with none is an important part of living in Britain, developing your own ideas and entrepreneurship.

If you are experiencing difficulties in any area, please speak to one of our team. Below are some additional support streams for you in case needed.

Support if you are struggling to cope - 116 123 (24/7)
(24-hour response time)
Confidential suicide prevention for young people - 0800 0684141 | pat@papyrus-uk.org
Text helpline for anyone struggling and in need of immediate help - Text 'Shout' to 85258 (24/7)
Helpline for women suffering from domestic abuse - 0808 2000 247 (24/7)
Confidential suicide prevention for young people - 0800 0684141 | pat@papyrus-uk.org
Specialised charity working to prevent sexual abuse. Available to men and women over 16. - 01926 402498
Support for those, and their loved ones, who are dealing with an eating disorder - 0808 8010677
Honest information about drugs - 0300 1236600
Working together to prevent terrorism
Resources for Teachers, Parents and School Leaders to safeguard students from radicalisation.
Advice for those seeking recovery from addiction.
A non-judgemental place where men can talk if they want, or just listen. Every Monday at 7pm.
Free information, advice and support for anyone affected by problem gambling - 0808 8020 133
Advice, support and information services to the LGBT+ community - 0345 3 303030
A confidential listening service for the LGBT+ community - 0300 330 0830
Redundancy Support for Apprentices

The Redundancy Support Service for Apprentices (ReSSA) provides clear, accessible advice and guidance to apprentices following redundancy, while supporting their next steps. It will help redundant apprentices to identify new Apprenticeship and employment opportunities, and, where they are eligible, complete their current Apprenticeship.
You can access free online information and telephone support, including financial, legal, health and well-being and careers advice. It will also has details of new Apprenticeship opportunities offered by employers local regions. Visit Facing redundancy during your Apprenticeship for more support or call 0800 015 0400 to speak to an adviser.

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