Safety, support and confidence is key here in our training centre. At Derwent Training we have a number of policies and procedures in place to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our apprentices and employers.
Whilst apprentices, as employees, are not covered by safeguarding as defined in The Children’s Act 2004; Derwent Training and your employer still have a duty of care to ensure that all apprentices are studying and learning in a safe and healthy environment.
If you have any Safeguarding or Prevent issues, please contact a member of the team:
Once your employer has confirmed that you will be starting an apprenticeship, we will visit them to complete a Welfare and Well-being Checklist but it is important to be aware of any issues so that they can be addressed to ensure that you are not at risk. Derwent Training will conduct regular tripartite reviews with your assessor, employer and yourself where you can raise any issues.
If you, or your employer feels it is too important to wait, then the concern should be reported immediately by contacting our Safeguarding Lead, Vicki Parker on, or on 01653 697698.
Derwent Training is committed to providing a safe and secure learning environment for everyone. We have a legal duty to work with other agencies to prevent vulnerable people from significant harm, and to respond to all safeguarding issues. Radicalisation is the process where individuals come to support terrorism or violent extremism in any form. We recognise the positive contribution we can make to protecting everyone from all types of radicalisation and extreme violence.
Therefore, Derwent Training will continue to empower learners to create resilient communities that protect the well-being of everyone who may be drawn in to extremism or crime. This will be done through discussion in your class during monthly register briefings.
Learners will also explore what it means to live and work in Britain. For example, this will include examining how democracy works and the part you play in that, discussing how tolerance and respects for those with faith and those with none is an important part of living in Britain, developing your own ideas and entrepreneurship.
Samaritans – Support if you are struggling to cope – 116 123 (24/7) | (24-hour response time)
PAPYRUS – Confidential suicide prevention for young people – 0800 0684141 |
Give us a Shout – Text helpline for anyone struggling and in need of immediate help – Text ‘Shout’ to 85258 (24/7)
Refuge – Helpline for women suffering from domestic abuse – 0808 2000 247 (24/7)
Men’s Advice Line – Advice and support for men experiencing domestic violence and abuse – 0808 801 0327
Safeline – Specialised charity working to prevent sexual abuse. Available to men and women over 16. – 01926 402498.
Beat – Support for those, and their loved ones, who are dealing with an eating disorder – 0808 8010677
Frank – Honest information about drugs – 0300 1236600
Let’s Talk About It – Working together to prevent terrorism
Educate Against Hate – Resources for Teachers, Parents and School Leaders to safeguard students from radicalisation.
Rehab4Addiction – Advice for those seeking recovery from addiction.
Andys Man Club – A non-judgemental place where men can talk if they want, or just listen. Every Monday at 7pm.
GamCare – Free information, advice and support for anyone affected by problem gambling – 0808 8020 133
LGBT Foundation – Advice, support and information services to the LGBT+ community – 0345 3 303030
Switchboard – A confidential listening service for the LGBT+ community – 0300 330 0830
It’s key that our learners are confident and ready to learn.
We are proud of our commitment to excellence and partner with a number of associations and companies.
This is the international quality standard for organisations that deliver information, advice and/or guidance (IAG). Either as their sole purpose or as part of their service offering.
The matrix Standard is the Department for Education’s (DfE) standard for ensuring the quality of the delivery of high-quality information, advice and guidance. The DfE supports the matrix Standard as the quality framework for accrediting information, advice and guidance contracts including the National Careers Service, its subcontractors and other services delivered on behalf of the Education Skills Funding Agency.
When an independent Assessor confirms that all criteria are met, the organisation becomes an accredited organisation and can display the matrix quality mark to demonstrate that it offers high quality IAG services.
The Association of Apprentices is here to support the UK’s hugely talented community of almost one million apprentices be their best. They provide the social and broader elements often missing from apprenticeship programmes, with access to advice and guidance which supports life-long career development, and a lifetime of professional networks.
Cyber Essentials is an effective, Government backed scheme that helps protects organisations, whatever their size, against a whole range of the most common cyber attacks. We are certified for Cyber Essentials Plus, which means we have put the necessary cyber protections in place and passed a technical verification.
The FSB mission is to help smaller businesses achieve their ambitions. Established over 45 years ago, FSB is the UK’s largest grassroots business campaigning group, which ensures the voice of small businesses is heard at the highest level across the UK, as well as providing business services and products to our members.
The Association of Employment and Learning Providers (AELP) is a national membership body, proudly representing around 800 organisations. AELP members support thousands of businesses and millions of learners in England by delivering a wide range of training, vocational learning, and employability programmes.
A volunteer group that engenders sharing easy, collaborative actions to benefit residents, business, our local economy and our local environment as we reduce carbon emissions.